Thursday, February 7, 2013


I wish they had Mexican blend cheese here. Muenster as well, but mostly Mexican blend just for my quesadillas. I've been using shredded cheddar as I'm a bit apprehensive to try the Welsh cheeses, and the results have been eh. And I just discovered that pretzel sticks are nonexistent! No whole grain or wheat bread either. Just whole meal, which I've never heard of before and in my ignorance, am going to say it's wheat. It also rains here, a lot. I wish they'd learn how to properly lay down stones so that when you step on them, they don't move and squirt water up onto your jeans getting you all muddy. Did I mention they don't have pretzel sticks? Anyways, now that my most pressing complaints are out of the way, I feel as though I can discuss my week thus far. Nothing
interesting really happened. I did go to volleyball on Sunday and Tuesday, so that was fun. I attended my lectures for the week as well. I have to talk to some history coordinator though because I'm not on any of the history seminar lists as of yet. This is not good considering that the seminar is the class on which part of your grade will be based... I have a new schedule
arrangement for Thursdays; I now have class from 5PM until 9PM, going from French to Italian. Wednesdays are still free so I spent my Wednesday planning day trips to which I hope to travel for the day and then back. Also, considering I have three weeks of spring break, I've been trying to figure out what I should do then. I was thinking about hiking the West Highland Way, but I'm not sure what that would entail. It's interesting having to plan out your own trips because at least for me, there seems to be too many possibilities and all of these important details that need to be considered such as accommodation and transportation. Then there is the fact that once I get there and take my pictures, what do I do next? Obviously I need to become a bit more spontaneous... :)

1 comment:

Tamara Savage said...

Have you looked for Colby cheese? That sounds English!