Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pancakes & Caesar!

I realize I may have sounded a tad bitter in my last update,
but that is easily explained. See, actually experiencing this much rain is not even remotely comparable to just hearing about how much it rains in Cardiff. I also miss quality quesadillas, but I am slowly moving past this obstacle. Perhaps I should have gone to Italy (or Mexico considering my
penchant for quesadillas), however I am still
enjoying Wales :) Anyways, Tuesday was Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday (here it's called Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day), marking the beginning of Lent and giving students an excuse to eat "pancakes." So, my flatmates and I headed out to Tesco, braving the never-ending rain to buy the necessary ingredients to make said pancakes. They were actually what I would call crepes and people typically eat them with lemon juice and sugar, but we had Nutella and ice cream as well. They were delicious and inspired me to make more of an effort with my most important meal of the day (breakfast). Wednesday was uneventful aside from me having to trek down to the international office (about an hour to get there and back) twice to get a signature that proves I am enrolled and taking classes. I'm actually really happy I got this done today because I had been trying to track down the study abroad people for the past two weeks. It got to the point that when the receptionist saw me come in, she would cross her fingers and pick up the phone to call up to the office without me having to say anything. A bit sad.
One of the animals guarding
 Cardiff Castle
Fusilli al dente with veggies!

Friday night I saw a play in the City Hall building. The set up was strange for a play in my opinion as it was pretty much a circular court room that looked like it should be used for witch trials. Maybe that's just me. We were sitting right in the front and I had the aisle seat, so if I had stuck my foot out I could have tripped the actors (Lost Colony skittles, anyone?). The seats were very uncomfortable, much like the seats at the theater in Onancock. Oh, the play was Julius Caesar by the way, a student production, which had Caesar and Brutus as female. The most exciting part, besides all of the blood, was when the soothsayer jumped onto the table right in front of me!  I'm surprised he was able to jump that high, actually, and glad that he didn't slip on my program which was on the table. That would have been unfortunate.

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