Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kitchen Experiments

I can cook! Kind of. I mean it's nothing fancy and tends to be carb heavy (lots of pasta and bread), but I am officially making my own food! Sorry I'm not sorry that this post is a bit self-congratulatory. Sadly, I didn't take pictures of my puppy chow, poached egg, scrambled eggs, grilled cheese, experimental quesadillas, and some other stuff, but I am still able to present you with delicacies that were  thoroughly enjoyed by moi.

So even though I have pasta, it gets old eating it every day, which is why I have also invested in frozen vegetables and fruit. I like buying and eating fruit, so, fingers-crossed, scurvy shouldn't be a problem. This pasta meal of fusilli to my right was the first real meal I prepared, boiling water and everything. It's such a fun shape, which is why I decided to invest in it.

This, to my left, is chicken (with pineapple). Yep, 100% real chicken (I hope... there is that horse meat scandal that is going on over here). It was raw originally and I managed to cook it on the stove with some flour and other stuff. The best thing was that it didn't turn out dry or raw! I'm so proud of myself. The pineapple I just got from Tesco and there's a funny story about what happened to it. So I opened it to eat with my chicken that night, but I didn't eat all of the pineapple so I put it back in the fridge. Apparently I left it in there a bit too long (3 days!) because it started to ferment and I'm pretty sure it was turning into some type of alcohol. I like pineapple so I was a tad miffed that I wasn't able to eat it. Also the fact that I had paid for it with the intention of eating all of it. Oh well, I guess it's like when bread goes moldy.

I bought sandwich making materials (turkey, mayo, mustard, etc.) so I can make sandwiches for lunch. Nothing like a good basic turkey sandwich. The problem is that I ran out of bread, so I have this lettuce in the fridge that I hope remains edible until I can buy more bread... I don't really know what to do with lettuce besides use it for sandwiches...

This was my macaroni and cheese with peas that I unfroze (just the peas, I cooked the macaroni). You can't really tell in this picture, but I did manage to make a cheese sauce/roux that in my opinion made my macaroni mac-n-cheesy. My one mistake here is that I forgot that macaroni expands when cooked, so I made a tad more than I wanted. Since I invested in a tupperware container, this was not a problem and I had mac-n-cheese for lunch the next day. I also stored my puppy chow in that container.

Okay, let me be honest here. I didn't think this potato thing would work. But it did and it was delicious! It's just a baked potato with some cheese thrown on. I grated the cheese myself because block cheese is cheaper than buying pre-shredded cheese. I didn't want to do the whole complex scoop out the insides and mix thing because it took about an hour for me to bake this deliciousness in the oven and I was getting hungry. I can assure you it was delectable.

This was actually my dinner tonight: French toast. What can I say? Everything I make for myself I enjoy. Go me! Oh yeah! Anyways, I plan on making pancakes at some point, and then BLTs because I bought bacon so that should be interesting. This coming up with meals thing is kind of fun. I have to say that I like it better than having a mandatory meal plan at W&M fo sho. If you have any recipe ideas for me to try, please leave a comment or email me :)


Tamara Savage said...

I think you may have a future in food kidding! Where was all this talent at dinnertime in VA? Everything looks really good! I will send you some recipes.

Unknown said...

Good job Mariah!!! least I can rest easy knowing you are not starving over there. Ha ha..I know your mother is proud..