Wednesday, June 19, 2013

So long, Cardiff

My minuscule hotel room
I've officially left Cardiff and it was a little saddening to think that I probably  won't be returning anytime soon. It feels like just yesterday I was walking through the slush looking for my flat and now it's June and I'm about to start the second part of my studies abroad. Before heading to Paris though I have three days in London, but I don't really have any plans. Last time I was Harry Potter focused and this time is more of a what seems interesting/is free. Free being key. The hotel room I'm staying in is so basic it's comical. Oh lordy, a pigeon nearly flew in through my window. No need to worry; I'm quick-thinking and was able to clap my hands to scare it away. I feel like all city pigeons, Venetian pigeons in particular, are a tad unstable. I'll try to recap my adventures thus far:

So packing was not a big problem though I probably should have left the tupperware container behind… I did get it all to fit in three bags though and in my defense the third bag is full of gifts. My generosity is what hinders my travels, I realize this now. I need to stop buying people things. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about weight yet. So I had originally planned to take the tube to my hotel, but then I realized there was a very real possibility of being faced with stairs and I'm not sure that would have been possible for me. So I sucked it up and paid for a taxi, arriving at my hotel in a timely manner. It's all about location and I'm literally right across the street from St. Pancras where my train for Paris departs on Thursday. Anyways, there are four floors in this hotel and I'm on the top floor unfortunately. It's unfortunate because there is no elevator. There is however a winding staircase that creaks so much I had to question its stability as I lugged my suitcases up. Now I'm not an idiot. I didn't try to bring everything up at once. I made two trips. It's a very small room - you could say cozy, but you get what you pay for and at least there is free breakfast and I do have a sink. The fire alarm does go off periodically though and I'm not sure why. For the rest of the day I just wandered around the Covent Garden area.

Reflection done right
Tuesday I walked to Tate Modern which is an interesting place. Lots of different types of works there, some perhaps a little too modern for my taste. A bit too ambitious maybe, with the end result seeming  lazy rather than avant-garde. One piece that sticks out was an artist's idea of gluing a mirror onto a canvas and voilĂ ! Art. Reflection. Life. Personally, I didn't get it. Another painted lines until his paintbrush ran out of paint… For me those weren't that inspiring. I did like the artists that used neon signs and mirror fragments - those were cool. There were also paintings where a squeegee was used. My overall conclusion from this visit is that art is a very subjective term. Outside there were people making giant bubbles and that was fun to watch. 

In keeping with the art theme, on Wednesday I visited the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, which is a happenin' area. This is more traditional less experimental art, usually associated with most National Galleries. Subject matter is definitely more repetitive with Biblical scenes and mythology dominating. There was this really cool free exhibition called Saints Alive where an artist used certain paintings as inspiration for sculptures that move. Like Saint Jerome beating his chest with a rock - and the sculpture, you stepped on a button and he beat his chest. It was startling and violent, but also really neat. One other piece that really stood out to me was The Ugly Duchess by Massys. Talk about startling. That visit took up the majority of my day and for the rest I wandered around the Trafalgar Square area. Overall, the UK has been fun and it is kind of sad to be leaving, but at the same time, next stop France! 

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