You know your in France when... |
I have too much luggage. Way too much luggage. When did I realize this you may ask? Well, I really knew it all along, however I was made aware when I had to carry it up to the top of the train we took to Montpellier. Oh my goodness. Anyways, we arrived in Montpellier and it was a beautiful day. It had started to rain as we left Paris and in Montpellier there were blue skies, a bit of wind, and a nice warm temperature. In other words, completely different from Wales. Each place has its own charm though, don't get me wrong. So, I get off the train and meet my host-mother and I am all at once immersed in French. She is apparently super sporty, having hiked mountains in Peru and is one of the people you see skiing up the mountain. There is a bit of an accent though:
un accent du soleil :) Overall though, this first week has been super busy and it's hard to believe that barely one week ago I arrived in Paris. It feels like I've been here for months!