Friday, March 29, 2013

Momentous Occasions

Fatto in casa (home made)
Corn & bean salad
Holy guacamole! Spring break has started and I leave Cardiff for London on Thursday (03/28) for a 6:30AM flight on Friday to ITALIA! Now, I didn't make guacamole this week, but I did make my own bread and corn and bean salad on Monday. It was a bit lonely being by myself in the flat this week, and a tad creepy too. Gosh darn my active imagination. So, in an attempt to keep myself occupied I decided to make bread. I think it turned out okay for my first attempt, nothing artisanal or spectacular though. Kind of misshapen and a tad lopsided, actually. But it tasted good if I do say so myself.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Weird Weather

You know, it's like the weather here is against me or something. After spending the majority of the past two weeks cooped up ironically researching sedentary lifestyles in Prehistoric Britain among other things, I decided it would be good for me to get some fresh air, get away from the computer that I have been glued to for the past two weeks researching vikings, Merlin, and sedentism, and perhaps venture outdoors. Maybe a bit of physical activity, like a run or something. So I lace up my shoes and head out the door into the partially sunny courtyard and I start running. But then it gets really dark, really fast, and it starts raining. No matter, I think to myself, I like running in the rain. I'm pretty sure the

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Old Lady Hair and History

The first of March is St. David's Day here in Cardiff. Saint David is the patron saint of the city and is known for his saintly doings around the area. Some people get dressed up in their "traditional" Welsh clothing (a made-up tradition to instill national pride) and others opt for a simpler demonstration of pride, pinning daffodils to their shirts or just painting red dragons onto their faces. It was fun to see everyone march down the street dressed up. There weren't any floats or anything too elaborate but it was still fun to watch.